What Solutions Are There to End The Drug War?

Currently decriminalisation of drugs would be the best path the world could take. Drug use and addiction should be treated as a public health issue instead of a criminal issue. The war on drugs has turned millions of otherwise good honest people into criminals and it has destroyed peoples lives.

Worldwide doctors, scientists and legal experts are lobbying governments to reform their drug laws and end the drug war.

Research into the use of psychedelic drugs such as psilocybin from so called "magic mushrooms" is showing amazing effects as a possible cure for depression and anxiety disorders.

MDMA or "ecstasy" is showing great promise in treating Post Traumatic Stress Disorder and treating suicidal thoughts in soldiers returning home from fighting in war zones.

If governments worldwide reformed their drug laws and shifted drug policy to become a health issue then people could be treated more effectively for addictions without fear of criminalisation. Drug education could be updated and changed so it is no longer fear based.

People could be given access to natural medicines such as marijuana for pain relief.

Governments would benefit from increased taxes on drugs and drug use could be strictly monitored and controlled.

Criminal gangs would lose a major source of income from illegal drugs. Crime rates would drop as seen in some States of America where marijuana has been legalised.

Crime down, tax revenues up $11million: Six months after Colorado voted to legalize marijuana: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2680499/Crime-tax-revenues-11million-Six-months-Colorado-voted-legalize-marijuana-sky-fallen-stoner-state-long-term-consequences-unclear.html




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